Interface for controls which methods provide immediate feedback or take actions as user types in a control. Contains methods which can be used to perform data validations in a control even before the user commits (saves) the value in a form.



  • Use this to add a function as an event handler for the keypress event so that the function is called when you type a character in the specific text or number field. For a sample JavaScript code that uses the addOnKeyPress method to configure the auto-completion experience, see Sample: Auto-complete in CRM controls.


    Returns void


    Deprecated in v9.1; Use a custom control.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

  • Use this to manually fire an event handler that you created for a specific text or number field to be executed on the keypress event.

    Returns void


    Deprecated in v9.1; Use a custom control.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

  • Use this to remove an event handler for a text or number field that you added using addOnKeyPress.


    Returns void


    Deprecated in v9.1; Use a custom control.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs Remarks: If an anonymous function is set using addOnKeyPress, it can’t be removed using this method.

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