Static xRM object.


  • XrmStatic


App: App

Provides app-related methods.

Device: Device

Provides methods to use native device capabilities of mobile devices.

Encoding: Encoding

Provides methods to encode strings.

Mobile: Mobile

Provides methods to create and manage records in the mobile clients (for phones tablets).


Use WebApi instead.

Navigation: Xrm.Navigation

Provides navigation-related methods.

Page: Page

Provides a namespace container for the context, data and ui objects.


Deprecated in v9.


External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

Panel: Panel

Provides a method to display a web page in the side pane of the Customer Engagement form.

Utility: Utility

Provides a container for useful functions not directly related to the current page.

WebApi: WebApi

Provides properties and methods to use Web API to create and manage records and execute Web API actions and functions in Customer Engagement.

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