Interface for the Mobile.offline methods to create and manage records in the mobile clients while working in the offline mode.


Use offline instead. Xrm.WebApi.offline is implemented differently than Xrm.Mobile.offline



  • MobileOffline


  • Creates an entity record in mobile clients while working in the offline mode.


    • entityType: string

      The logical name of the entity.

    • data: {
          [attributeName: string]: any;

      A dictionary object containing key : value pairs for the record to create.

      • [attributeName: string]: any

    Returns PromiseLike<OfflineOperationSuccessCallbackObject>

    Returns an asynchronous promise.


    You cannot create intersect and activity party entities.
    Only the following attribute types are supported in offline mode:
    BigInt, Boolean, Customer, DateTime, Decimal, Double, EntityName
    Integer, Lookup, Memo, Money, Owner, Picklist, String, State
    Status, UniqueIdentifier


    Use createRecord instead.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

  • Returns whether an entity is offline enabled.


    • entityType: string

      The logical name of the entity.

    Returns boolean

    True if the entity is offline enabled; otherwise False.

  • Retrieves a collection of entity records in mobile clients while working in the offline mode.


    • entityType: string

      The logical name of the entity.

    • Optional options: string

      (Optional) The logical name of the entity

    • Optional maxPageSize: number

      (Optional) A positive number to indicates the number of entity records to be returned per page.

      • If you do not specify this parameter, the default value is passed as 5000.
      • If the number of records being retrieved is more than maxPageSize, an @odata.nextLink property will be returned, and you can use the value of the @odata.nextLink property with a new GET request to return next set of records.

    Returns PromiseLike<{
        [key: string]: any;

    Returns an asynchronous promise.


    A maximum of 5000 related records can be retrieved when using $expand.

    • Only $select option can be specified within $expand.
    • $skip query option is not supported.
    • Only the following attribute types are supported in offline mode:
      BigInt, Boolean, Customer, DateTime, Decimal, Double, EntityName
      Integer, Lookup, Memo, Money, Owner, Picklist, String, State
      Status, UniqueIdentifier


    Use retrieveMultipleRecords instead.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

  • Retrieves an entity record in mobile clients while working in the offline mode.


    • entityType: string

      The logical name of the entity.

    • id: string

      GUID of the record to retrieve.

    • Optional options: string

      (Optional) OData system query options to retrieve your data. Supports $select and $expand

    Returns PromiseLike<OfflineOperationSuccessCallbackObject>

    Returns an asynchronous promise.


    Example options

    options: ?$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)


    Only $select option can be specified within $expand.
    Only the following attribute types are supported in offline mode:
    BigInt, Boolean, Customer, DateTime, Decimal, Double, EntityName
    Integer, Lookup, Memo, Money, Owner, Picklist, String, State
    Status, UniqueIdentifier


    Use retrieveRecord instead.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

  • Updates an entity record in mobile clients while working in the offline mode.


    • entityType: string

      The logical name of the entity.

    • id: string

      GUID of the record to update.

    • data: {
          [attributeName: string]: any;

      A dictionary object containing key : value pairs for the record to update.

      • [attributeName: string]: any

    Returns PromiseLike<OfflineOperationSuccessCallbackObject>

    Returns an asynchronous promise.


    You cannot update intersect and activity party entities.
    Only the following attribute types are supported in offline mode:
    BigInt, Boolean, Customer, DateTime, Decimal, Double, EntityName
    Integer, Lookup, Memo, Money, Owner, Picklist, String, State
    Status, UniqueIdentifier


    Use updateRecord instead.


    External Link: Deprecated Client APIs

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