Interface for Xrm.App API


  • App


sidePanes: {
    state: number;
    createPane(paneOptions?) => PromiseLike<PaneObject>;
    getAllPanes() => PaneObject[];
    getPane(panelId) => PaneObject;
    getSelectedPane() => PaneObject;

Provides methods for managing side panes.

Type declaration

  • state: number


    whether the selected pane is collapsed or expanded.

  • createPane:function
    • Provides all the information to create side panes.


      • Optional paneOptions: PaneOptions

        The ID to use to clear a specific notification that was set using addGlobalNotification.

      Returns PromiseLike<PaneObject>

  • getAllPanes:function
    • Returns PaneObject[]

      a collection containing all active panes.

  • getPane:function
    • Parameters

      • panelId: string


      Returns PaneObject

      the side pane corresponding to the input ID. If the side pane does not exist, undefined is returned.

  • getSelectedPane:function
    • Returns PaneObject

      the currently selected pane.


  • Displays an error, information, warning, or success notification for an app, and lets you specify actions to execute based on the notification.


    Returns PromiseLike<string>

    On success, returns a promise object containing a GUID value to uniquely identify the notification as described earlier in the description of the successCallback parameter.

  • Clears a notification in the app.


    • uniqueId: string

      The ID to use to clear a specific notification that was set using addGlobalNotification.

    Returns PromiseLike<string>

    On success, returns a promise object.

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