Interface for a quick view control instance on a form.



  • Gets the constituent controls in a quick view control.

    Returns Xrm.Controls.Control[]

    An array of controls.


    Constituent controls in a quick view control are read only.

  • Gets the constituent controls in a quick view control.

    Type Parameters


    • controlName: string

      Name of the control.

    Returns T

    The control.


    Constituent controls in a quick view control are read only.

  • Gets the constituent controls in a quick view control.


    • controlName: string

      Name of the control.

    Returns Xrm.Controls.Control

    The control.


    Constituent controls in a quick view control are read only.

  • Gets a control by index.

    Type Parameters


    • index: number

      The control index.

    Returns T

    The control.


    Constituent controls in a quick view control are read only.

  • Gets a control by index.


    • index: number

      The control index.

    Returns Xrm.Controls.Control

    The control.


    Constituent controls in a quick view control are read only.

  • Gets the controls type.

    Returns "quickform"

    Returns a string value ("quickform") that categorizes quick view controls.

  • Gets a boolean value, indicating whether the control is disabled.

    Returns boolean

    true if it is disabled, otherwise false.

  • Gets the label.

    Returns string

    The label.

  • Gets the name of the control on the form.

    Returns string

    The name of the control.


    The name assigned to a control is not determined until the form loads. Changes to the form may change the name assigned to a given control. When you use the control getName method the name of the first control will be the same as the name of the attribute. The second instance of a control for that attribute will be "1". The pattern +N will continue for each additional control added to the form for a specific attribute. When a form displays a business process flow control in the header, additional controls will be added for each attribute that is displayed in the business process flow. These controls have a unique name like the following: header_process_.

  • Gets the visibility state.

    Returns boolean

    true if the tab is visible, otherwise false.

  • Returns whether the data binding for the constituent controls in a quick view control is complete.

    Returns boolean

    True is the data binding for a constituent control is complete, otherwise false. because the quick view form that the control is bound to may not have loaded completely. As a result, using the getAttribute or any data-related methods on a constituent control might not work. The isLoaded method for the quick view control helps determine the data binding status for constituent controls in a quick view control.


    The data binding for the constituent controls in a quick view control may not be complete during the main form OnLoad event

  • Refreshes the data displayed in a quick view control.

    Returns void

  • Sets the state of the control to either enabled, or disabled.


    • disabled: boolean

      true to disable, false to enable.

    Returns void

  • Sets focus on the element.

    Returns void

  • Sets the label.


    • label: string

      The label.

    Returns void

  • Sets the visibility state.


    • visible: boolean

      true to show, false to hide.

    Returns void

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