Interface for the formContext.ui object.


  • Ui


A reference to the collection of controls on the form.

footerSection: FooterSection

Provides information on how to set the visibility of footer section.

formSelector: Xrm.Controls.FormSelector

The form selector API.


This API does not exist with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

headerSection: HeaderSection

Provides information on how to set the visibility of header section.

navigation: Xrm.Controls.Navigation

The navigation API.


This API does not exist with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

The business process flow API, used to interact with the business process flow control in a form.

A collection of all the quick view controls on a form using the new form rendering engine (also called "turbo forms").

A reference to the collection of tabs on the form.


  • Clears the form notification described by uniqueId.


    • uniqueId: string

      Unique identifier.

    Returns boolean

    True if it succeeds, otherwise false.

  • Closes the form.

    Returns void

  • Gets form type.

    Returns FormType

    The form type.


    Values returned are:

    • 0 Undefined
    • 1 Create
    • 2 Update
    • 3 Read Only
    • 4 Disabled
    • 6 Bulk Edit
    • Deprecated values are 5 (Quick Create), and 11 (Read Optimized)
  • Gets view port height.

    Returns number

    The view port height, in pixels.


    This method does not work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

  • Gets view port width.

    Returns number

    The view port width, in pixels.


    This method does not work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

  • Re-evaluates the ribbon's configured EnableRules.


    • Optional refreshAll: boolean

      Indicates whether all the ribbon command bars on the current page are refreshed. If you specify false only the page-level ribbon command bar is refreshed. If you do not specifiy this parameter, by default false is passed.

    Returns void


    This method does not work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets.

  • Sets the name of the table to be displayed on the form.


    • name: string

      Name of the table to be displayed on the form.

    Returns void

  • Displays a form level notification. Any number of notifications can be displayed and will remain until removed using clearFormNotification. The height of the notification area is limited so each new message will be added to the top.


    • message: string

      The text of the notification message.

    • level: Xrm.FormNotificationLevel

      The level of the notification which defines how the message will be displayed, such as the icon. ERROR: Notification will use the system error icon. WARNING: Notification will use the system warning icon. INFO: Notification will use the system info icon.

    • uniqueId: string

      Unique identifier for the notification which is used with clearFormNotification to remove the notification.

    Returns boolean

    true if it succeeds, otherwise false.

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