Interface for a knowledge base search result.


  • KbSearchResult


answer: string

The HTML markup containing the content of the article.

articleId: string

The article ID that is used as an alternate key.


You can use this to see if this article already exists in Microsoft Dataverse.

articleUid: string

The unique article ID. This value is used as an alternate key.

attachmentCount: number

Number of attachments in the article.

createdOn: Date

The date the article was created in the user's current time zone and format.

expiredDate: Date

The date the article was or will be expired.

folderHref: string

The link to the folder path of the article.

href: string

The direct link to the article.

isAssociated: boolean

Indicates whether the article is associated with the parent record.

lastModifiedOn: Date

Date on which the article was last modified in the current user's timezone and format.

publicUrl: string

Support Portal URL of the article.


If the Portal URL option is turned off, this will be blank.

published: boolean

Whether the Article is in published or draft state.

question: string

The title of the article.

rating: number

The rating of the article.

searchBlurb: string

A short snippet of article content which contains the areas where the search query was hit.

serviceDeskUri: string

Link to the article. Use this link to open the article.

timesViewed: number

The number of times an article is viewed on the portal by customers.

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