Options for navigating to a page: whether to open inline or in a dialog. If you don't specify this parameter, page is opened inline by default.


  • NavigationOptions


height?: number | SizeValue

The width of dialog. To specify the width in pixels, just type a numeric value. To specify the width in percentage, specify an object of type

position?: 2 | 1

Specify 1 to open the dialog in center; 2 to open the dialog on the side. Default is 1 (center).

target: 2 | 1

Specify 1 to open the page inline; 2 to open the page in a dialog. Entity lists can only be opened inline; web resources can be opened either inline or in a dialog.

title?: string
width?: number | SizeValue

The width of dialog. To specify the width in pixels, just type a numeric value. To specify the width in percentage, specify an object of type

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