Entity form options for opening the form


  • EntityFormOptions


cmdbar?: boolean

Indicates whether to display the command bar.If you do not specify this parameter, the command bar is displayed by default.

createFromEntity?: Xrm.LookupValue

Designates a record that will provide default values based on mapped attribute values.The lookup object has the following String properties: entityType, id, and name (optional).

entityId?: string

ID of the entity record to display the form for.

entityName?: string

Logical name of the entity to display the form for.

formId?: string

ID of the form instance to be displayed.

height?: number

Height of the form window to be displayed in pixels.

isCrossEntityNavigate?: boolean

Undocumented at this time

isOfflineSyncError?: boolean

Undocumented at this time

Controls whether the navigation bar is displayed and whether application navigation is available using the areas and subareas defined in the sitemap.Valid vlaues are: "on", "off", or "entity".

  • on: The navigation bar is displayed.This is the default behavior if the navBar parameter is not used.
  • off: The navigation bar is not displayed.People can navigate using other user interface elements or the back and forward buttons.
  • entity: On an entity form, only the navigation options for related entities are available.After navigating to a related entity, a back button is displayed in the navigation bar to allow returning to the original record.
openInNewWindow?: boolean

Indicates whether to display form in a new window.

processId?: string

ID of the business process to be displayed on the form.

processInstanceId?: string

ID of the business process instance to be displayed on the form.

relationship?: Relationship

Define a relationship object to display the related records on the form.

selectedStageId?: string

ID of the selected stage in business process instance.

useQuickCreateForm?: boolean

Indicates whether to open a quick create form.

width?: number

Width of the form window to be displayed in pixels.

windowPosition?: WindowPositions

Specify one of the following values for the window position of the form on the screen:

  • 1:center
  • 2:side

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