Interface an OptionSet attribute.

Type Parameters

  • T extends number = number


Implemented by


A collection of all the controls on the form that interface with this attribute.


  • Adds a handler to be called when the attribute's value is changed.


    Returns void

  • Fire all "on change" event handlers.

    Returns void

  • Gets a boolean value indicating whether this Attribute has unsaved changes.

    Returns boolean

    true if there are unsaved changes, otherwise false.

  • Gets the logical name of the attribute.

    Returns string

    The logical name.

  • Gets the option matching a value.


    • value: number

      The enumeration value of the option desired.

    Returns Xrm.OptionSetValue

    The option.

  • Gets the option matching a label.


    • label: string

      The label of the option desired.

    Returns Xrm.OptionSetValue

    The option.

  • Gets a reference to the record context of this attribute.

    Returns Xrm.Entity

    The parent record context.

  • Gets current submit mode for the attribute.

    Returns Xrm.SubmitMode

    The submit mode, as either "always", "never", or "dirty"


    The default value is "dirty"

  • Gets the label of the currently selected option.

    Returns string

    The current value's label.

  • Gets the value.

    Returns T

    The value.

  • Removes the handler from the "on change" event.


    Returns void

  • Sets a value for a column to determine whether it is valid or invalid with a message


    • isValid: boolean

      Specify false to set the column value to invalid and true to set the value to valid.

    • Optional message: string

      The message to display.

    Returns void

  • Sets the value.


    • value: number

      The value.

    Returns void


    The getOptions() method returns option values as strings. You must use parseInt to convert them to numbers before you can use those values to set the value of an OptionSet attribute. Attributes on Quick Create Forms will not save values set with this method.

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