Interface for an Entity attribute.

Type Parameters

  • T = any


Implemented by


A collection of all the controls on the form that interface with this attribute.


  • Adds a handler to be called when the attribute's value is changed.


    Returns void

  • Fire all "on change" event handlers.

    Returns void

  • Gets attribute type.

    Returns Xrm.Attributes.AttributeType

    The attribute's type name.

    Values returned are:

    • boolean
    • datetime
    • decimal
    • double
    • integer
    • lookup
    • memo
    • money
    • optionset
    • string
  • Gets the attribute format.

    Returns Xrm.Attributes.AttributeFormat

    The format of the attribute.

    Values returned are:

    • date (datetime)
    • datetime (datetime)
    • duration (integer)
    • email (string)
    • language (optionset)
    • none (integer)
    • phone (string)
    • text (string)
    • textarea (string)
    • tickersymbol (string)
    • timezone (optionset)
    • url (string)
  • Gets a boolean value indicating whether this Attribute has unsaved changes.

    Returns boolean

    true if there are unsaved changes, otherwise false.

  • Gets the logical name of the attribute.

    Returns string

    The logical name.

  • Gets a reference to the record context of this attribute.

    Returns Xrm.Entity

    The parent record context.

  • Gets current submit mode for the attribute.

    Returns Xrm.SubmitMode

    The submit mode, as either "always", "never", or "dirty"


    The default value is "dirty"

  • Gets the current user's privileges for the attribute.

    Returns Xrm.Privilege

    The user privileges.

  • Gets the value.

    Returns T

    The value.

  • Removes the handler from the "on change" event.


    Returns void

  • Sets a value for a column to determine whether it is valid or invalid with a message


    • isValid: boolean

      Specify false to set the column value to invalid and true to set the value to valid.

    • Optional message: string

      The message to display.

    Returns void

  • Sets the required level.


    Returns void

  • Sets the submit mode.


    • submitMode: Xrm.SubmitMode

      The submit mode, as either "always", "never", or "dirty".

    Returns void


    submitMode "dirty"



  • Sets the value.


    • value: T

      The value.

    Returns void


    Attributes on Quick Create Forms will not save values set with this method.

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