Defines single side pane.


  • PaneOptions


alwaysRender?: boolean

Prevents the pane from unmounting when it is hidden.

canClose?: boolean

Whether the pane header will show a close button or not.

hidden?: boolean

Hides the pane and tab.

hideHeader?: boolean

Hides the header pane, including the title and close button. Default value is false.

imageSrc?: string

The path of the icon to show in the panel switcher control.

isSelected?: boolean

When set to false, the created pane is not selected and leaves the existing pane selected. It also does not expand the pane if collapsed.

keepBadgeOnSelect?: boolean

Prevents the badge from getting cleared when the pane becomes selected.

paneId?: string

The ID of the new pane. If the value is not passed, the ID value is auto-generated.

title?: string

The title of the pane. Used in pane header and for tooltip.

width?: number

The width of the pane in pixels.

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