addAn array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
actions: Xrm.Controls.ControlNotificationAction[]Static
addAdds a handler or an array of handlers to be called when the attribute's value is changed.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
fireFire all "on change" event handlers.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
removeClears the notification identified by uniqueId.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
(Optional) Unique identifier.
true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
If the uniqueId parameter is not used, the current notification shown will be removed.
removeRemoves the handler from the "on change" event.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The handler.
setSets the state of the control to either enabled, or disabled.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
true to disable, false to enable.
setSets a value for a column to determine whether it is valid or invalid with a message
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
Specify false to set the column value to invalid and true to set the value to valid.
message: stringThe message to display.
setSets a control-local notification message.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The message.
Unique identifier.
true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
When this method is used on Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets a red "X" icon appears next to the control. Tapping on the icon will display the message.
setSets the required level.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The requirement level, as either false for "none" or true for "required"
setSets the required level.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The requirement level, as either "none", "required", or "recommended"
setSets the submit mode.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The submit mode, as either "always", "never", or "dirty".
setSets the value.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
The value.
Attributes on Quick Create Forms will not save values set with this method.
setSets the visibility state.
An array of fields to on which this method should be applied.
true to show, false to hide.
Generated using TypeDoc
Displays an error or recommendation notification for a control, and lets you specify actions to execute based on the notification.